Welcome to the BrightGauge Enhancement Forums

The Enhancement Forums is one of several listening posts used to bring enhancement ideas to the ConnectWise Product Management Team. We utilize information from support tickets, information gathered from our onsite Consulting Team and our Sales Team during the sales process, as well as one-on-one or group discussions with our partners. 

Do you have an enhancement you want to suggest or have you come across an enhancement you would like our Product Management Team to review?  Vote and leave a comment.  The more information gathered on the enhancement, the easier it is to make the case to the Product Management Team. The Product Management team automatically reviews enhancements with 250 votes or more and we will provide any updates to that enhancement as they become available.

Want to know what the statuses mean?  Click here or on the "Status Legend" in the Links section.

Show your support for the ideas you like by voting and leaving a comment.

Now get out there and make your voice heard to help BrightGauge grow your company!


Feature Request: Flexibele Factuurbeschrijvingen per Service vanuit AutoTask PSA

Rob Zwezereijn 2 months ago updated 2 months ago 0

Feature Request:

We would like to sync a standard AutoTask PSA field, "Invoice Description,"

The objective is to retrieve and display the customized invoice description from AutoTask PSA, allowing it to appear as a line item per service on reports.


Allow field with URL to be a hyperlink

Jamie Crawford 3 months ago 0

We have URLs for third party reports that we can present in gauges. Huntress is one example. It would be very helpful if we could make URLs clickable (hyperlinks) in a BG gauge. 


Allow temporary extra layers in gauge types that normally would not allow them

Igor Zagyanskiy 3 months ago 0

So I have a table gauge with two dimensions. I tried to add a second layer.  This understandably did not work since it would look weird.  However I am trying to only temporarily add this second layer, and then make a table of the calculation of the first two layers and hide them.  This should end up with a normally formatted table with two dimensions.  It would be great to be able to do this.


Need access to financial recap data in ConnectWise tickets.

Scott Warren 3 months ago 0

We need the ability to pull information from the "Financial Recap" and "Agreement Recap" section in the finance tab of ConnectWise tickets.  This is critical for our continued use of BrightGauge. 

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Add Notes, OS Type, OS Info, and Last Login Name fields from CW Configuration to the Configuration Dataset in BrightGauge

Chi Pakenham 3 months ago 0

I submitted a support request and was informed the following: 

'Notes' field is not available in the API endpoints we currently use in BrightGauge. Unfortunately, we are unable to report on the OS Type, OS Info, and Last Login Name fields with the Cloud integration at this time. The data we pull regarding configuration details does not include these OS fields, so we cannot add them to the dataset(s).

It would be great that I could pull the data point as our clients are requesting those data points.


Manage Viewers PER Groups to access specific dashboards

Chadi Mbarki 3 months ago in CMS 0

As VIEWERS Users Create a VIEZERS GROUPS and attribute for each Group specific DASHBOARD REPORTS

 so it will be easier to create Groupe for each department and assign to this group specific reports so if any new member arrive it will be automatically assigned to specific group and get permission to specific dashboard.


Ability to Report on the Last User and the External IP Address

Eric Woodrum 4 months ago 0

I'd like to create a BrightGauge that reports on who is "in office" on a given day.

To do that, all I'd need is access to the "Last User" field and the "External IP Address" field.  I could then use that to report on who is in which of our company offices.


VSA 9 Cloud Custom Fields into Datasets

Rolando Montalvo 4 months ago 0

We have many VSA 9 Cloud Custom Fields with important information that I would like to show in Brightgauge Reports.



Tom Nickel 4 months ago 0

Can we have the option to replace values in a table with images?
This is for a Table Gauge in BrightGauge
for example I want to represent True as a green tick, false as a red cross, no result as a yellow question mark....