Welcome to the ConnectWise Automate Enhancement Forums

The Enhancement Forums is one of several listening posts used to bring enhancement ideas to the ConnectWise Product Management Team. We utilize information from support tickets, information gathered from our onsite Consulting Team and our Sales Team during the sales process, as well as one-on-one or group discussions with our partners. 

Do you have an enhancement you want to suggest or have you come across an enhancement you would like our Product Management Team to review?  Vote and leave a comment.  The more information gathered on the enhancement, the easier it is to make the case to the Product Management Team. The Product Management team automatically reviews enhancements with 250 votes or more and we will provide any updates to that enhancement as they become available.

Want to know what the statuses mean?  Click here or on the "Status Legend" in the Links section.

Show your support for the ideas you like by voting and leaving a comment.

Now get out there and make your voice heard to help ConnectWise Automate grow your company!


Upload for Brightgauge View only

Jonathan Stewart 3 weeks ago 0

The ability to take a CSV and upload the First, last and email un bulk import for view only user creation. Migrated form Automate into the new RMM is painful when you need to recreated 100s of view only accesses for reporting.


Directly Download Dashboard Template

Timothy White 3 weeks ago updated 5 days ago 2

I would like to see the ability to directly download dashboard templates featured by other companies instead of having to reference the buildout key and having to build them manually. This would save a massive amount of time and allow for quicker modifications as needed.


Dashboard Management page

Jared Meidal 1 month ago updated by Shagun Jain 3 weeks ago 1

Create a dashboard management page, similar to the Gauges management page. This should allow minimum columns such as "last modified" and "Access" with list of users. Actions to bulk delete or add/remove access should be added here.


Dashboard actions to be added for temp-filters

Jared Meidal 1 month ago 0

Allow a new BrightGauge "action/button" gauge to be added to dashboard, allowing temporary filter activation. This would be very helpful for Viewers access, who do not have access to the Filters toolbar.


Dataset sync alerts

Jeremy Baxter 1 month ago updated by Shagun Jain 3 weeks ago 1

Hey team, would like to be notified anytime a dataset sync interval is missed 


Increase the dataset date ranges

Aaron Beal 1 month ago updated by Shagun Jain 3 weeks ago 1

Having been told recently in our BrightGauge kick off and implementation meetings that a simple client level request could be made to increase any dataset and that the current ones were just the defaults. This turned out to be false and CW Support have told me to raise an enhancement.

For example. The dataset Ticket Statistics Last 240 Days, this isn't even a year of ticket data that for many is the bare minimum to get useful reporting and ticket trends.

I think there shouldn't be any limitations 


Add site_name as field on Configuration dataset.

Zoe Baikie 2 months ago 0

Brightgauge support aren't able to pull through the Site at this stage as they're "not accounting for an endpoint in our API calls that would correlate to the Site". Support has suggested that I create a partner request for this to compliment their own feature request.


Add option to Response Date filter

Anthony O'Rourke 2 months ago 0

There currently is not an option for "Weekends Only" in the response_date filter, so therefor, I am requesting this option be added as it would make it easier to create gauges for other half of my team that works afterhours and on the weekends.


Add Variables!

Alex Boucher 3 months ago updated by Darren Drewitz 3 months ago 1

It would make a lot of my gauges easier if there was a design option to use specific variables without having to manually adjust numbers every time certain things change. For example:  %customers% would be the total number of customers and %endpoints% would be the total number of endpoints.  Even just letting me define a value for %placeholder% so I only need to make one change would be very useful. 


Create parity datasets with NinjaOne, like Automate

Brandon Fox 3 months ago in CMS 0

NinjaOne API exposes all information needed to make a parity datasets that present the same information as Automate. 

Please use the relevant NinjaOne endpoints to pull all device information:

  • /v2/devices-detailed

In particular, I'm at least looking for memory statistics, which don't exist in any NinjaOne dataset.