Welcome to the ConnectWise Automate Enhancement Forums

The Enhancement Forums is one of several listening posts used to bring enhancement ideas to the ConnectWise Product Management Team. We utilize information from support tickets, information gathered from our onsite Consulting Team and our Sales Team during the sales process, as well as one-on-one or group discussions with our partners. 

Do you have an enhancement you want to suggest or have you come across an enhancement you would like our Product Management Team to review?  Vote and leave a comment.  The more information gathered on the enhancement, the easier it is to make the case to the Product Management Team. The Product Management team automatically reviews enhancements with 250 votes or more and we will provide any updates to that enhancement as they become available.

Want to know what the statuses mean?  Click here or on the "Status Legend" in the Links section.

Show your support for the ideas you like by voting and leaving a comment.

Now get out there and make your voice heard to help ConnectWise Automate grow your company!


Keep Headers in non-list guages when exporting to CSV

Fred Deleissegues 3 months ago 0

When exporting a gauge to a CSV unless it's a list gauge the headers are lost. Please allow all headers to be kept in the format. 


Image Rendering

Neil Lupsic 4 months ago 0

Currently it is SO painful to do this.

You cannot see the uploaded image from the selection so if you have more than 10 images stored....good luck finding the one you need.

Also and most frustrating is trying to scale an image so it does not crop too much or too little.

It is a battle of trying to manipulate a poor interface to get it to render right...And each time you try, you need to create a report, then try again etc.



Format Axis to match Dataset Design

Jill Paulus 4 months ago 0

We would like to be able to format the X- or Y-Axis in our chart graph gauges to match the Dataset design - if it's set as a % or $, to be able to format the axis to be the same.  For example currently, if we are using a % for data across a period of time, we have a 0 to 1 scale on the Y-axis and the time on the X-Axis.  This causes some confusion for clients or colleagues who may be viewing the gauge.


A365 Integration

Jennifer Favelle 4 months ago 0

Can you please develop an integration to A365 so call stats can be incorporated into reporting?


Add field in Service Now Tasks Dataset to pull through the “Reason” field of the ESC (Escalation) records

Jennifer Favelle 4 months ago 0

Add field in Service Now Tasks Dataset to pull through the “Reason” field of the ESC (Escalation) records


Soft label for drilldown fields

jordan henwood 4 months ago 0

It would be so useful to apply a soft label to all fields, so that when we use them in Drilldown they always default to that soft label.

Ideally we can then overwrite that default soft label on a case by case basis

I'm currently working through a task to standardise our drilldown list, which means manually updating the soft label across hundreds of gauges, it's very painful


Column totals in Drilldown

Paul Wegner 5 months ago 0

Could an option for displaying Column Totals please be added into the Drilldown?