Welcome to the ConnectWise Automate Enhancement Forums

The Enhancement Forums is one of several listening posts used to bring enhancement ideas to the ConnectWise Product Management Team. We utilize information from support tickets, information gathered from our onsite Consulting Team and our Sales Team during the sales process, as well as one-on-one or group discussions with our partners. 

Do you have an enhancement you want to suggest or have you come across an enhancement you would like our Product Management Team to review?  Vote and leave a comment.  The more information gathered on the enhancement, the easier it is to make the case to the Product Management Team. The Product Management team automatically reviews enhancements with 250 votes or more and we will provide any updates to that enhancement as they become available.

Want to know what the statuses mean?  Click here or on the "Status Legend" in the Links section.

Show your support for the ideas you like by voting and leaving a comment.

Now get out there and make your voice heard to help ConnectWise Automate grow your company!


Increase 300 character limit for Time Entry notes pulled from PSA

Charlie Thompson 2 months ago updated by Paul Wegner 4 weeks ago 1

I would like to pull more than 300 chars, ideally 1,000, from Time Entry notes. This is because we want to pull specific time entry notes into customer facing reports being generated from BrightGauge, as this saves us a lot of time adding the text manually into reports. 

I have been told that BG is not limiting the chars and it is the PSA API, however I figured worth raising on here because the direct impact of this is data coming into BG. 


report scheduling

Linda Kraft 2 months ago 0

Would love to see more options on times for scheduling reports.  We send monthly health reports to clients and I need to spread out hundreds of clients over 24 time slot options which time out occasionally.  Would be helpful to have time of day for report scheduling be broken up into half hour increments instead of hour increments.  Better yet 15 min if possible.


enable auditing on dashboards

Chris Pegrum 2 months ago 0

all changes to all part of the system should be audited. gauges, reports, dashboards  - everything.


Cover Page and custom image

Neil Lupsic 3 months ago 0

The cover page option on the report is very limited and does not allow too much for custom branding of reports. Currently i need to scale a image and try and make that fit on the cover page. Brightgauge needs an easier way to make a custom cover page.


Need a dataset that contains Budget data entered into Xero

Tom Bennett 4 months ago 0

There are no datasets available with the Xero data source that has the budget information entered into Xero.  We are wanting to create gauges that track revenues and costs against our budget. 


Ability to copy or template Drilldown fields

jordan henwood 4 months ago 0

It would save a lot of time if we could copy or template the drilldown fields in gauges. There are a few ways I could see this being useful

  • Default drilldown field list linked to dataset. Code in a list of the most commonly used fields in a dataset drilldown, and default these in the first tab of any new gauge created using that dataset
  • The ability to template drilldown fields and import them to a gauge.
  • The ability to copy the drilldown fields from another tab in the same gauge


Wildcard filtering at the dashboard level in Brightgauge

Damien Poppelwell 4 months ago updated by Prithviraj Patil 4 months ago 1

Please add the ability to use wildcard filters at dashboard level.

CUurrenlty, we can use wildcard filters on gauges, but not on dashboards.

eg:  Service Board like %ervice%


Include created_by field in CW Manage Invoice Data dataset

Kev Penny 4 months ago 0

The Invoice Data dataset contains fields like updated_by and adjusted_by, but not created_by, which seems like a big oversight. We need to be able to report on who created invoices, and the workaround we've been given is to create a custom field, which would rely on someone manually setting that every time they create an invoice.


Retention Policy For Sent Reports

Brent Le Cornu 5 months ago in Fortify 0

We believe there is a current security and compliance issue with the unlimited retention of reports in the "Sent" reports section. There is no way to automate their deletion after a given time, and no way for BrightGauge support to do it in our behalf. The only method we have found is to manually sort the "Sent" reports in ascending order by age, select all (applies ONLY to the current page), delete, repeat... This is unmanageable, and even if we use a macro recorder to complete the task, we still have to manually set it to run and then watch it to make sure it doesn't delete files inside our chosen retention time.


Custom date range on Dashboard Filters

Paul Wegner 5 months ago 0

When filtering on dates using Dashboard Filters, there is no option to specify a custom date range, despite there being an option for this in the Gauge Editor