Welcome to the BrightGauge Enhancement Forums

The Enhancement Forums is one of several listening posts used to bring enhancement ideas to the ConnectWise Product Management Team. We utilize information from support tickets, information gathered from our onsite Consulting Team and our Sales Team during the sales process, as well as one-on-one or group discussions with our partners. 

Do you have an enhancement you want to suggest or have you come across an enhancement you would like our Product Management Team to review?  Vote and leave a comment.  The more information gathered on the enhancement, the easier it is to make the case to the Product Management Team. The Product Management team automatically reviews enhancements with 250 votes or more and we will provide any updates to that enhancement as they become available.

Want to know what the statuses mean?  Click here or on the "Status Legend" in the Links section.

Show your support for the ideas you like by voting and leaving a comment.

Now get out there and make your voice heard to help BrightGauge grow your company!


report scheduling

Linda Kraft 8 months ago 0

Would love to see more options on times for scheduling reports.  We send monthly health reports to clients and I need to spread out hundreds of clients over 24 time slot options which time out occasionally.  Would be helpful to have time of day for report scheduling be broken up into half hour increments instead of hour increments.  Better yet 15 min if possible.


Soft label for drilldown fields

jordan henwood 9 months ago updated by Shannon Gomes 3 months ago 1

It would be so useful to apply a soft label to all fields, so that when we use them in Drilldown they always default to that soft label.

Ideally we can then overwrite that default soft label on a case by case basis

I'm currently working through a task to standardise our drilldown list, which means manually updating the soft label across hundreds of gauges, it's very painful


Column totals in Drilldown

Paul Wegner 10 months ago updated by Shannon Gomes 3 months ago 1

Could an option for displaying Column Totals please be added into the Drilldown?



David Bell 11 months ago updated by Carl Powers 1 week ago 1

We'd like to see Kaseya VSA X integration within BrigtGauge. We depend on using BrightGauge for dashboards and sending reports to clients, but as we move on to VSA X from VSA 9.5, we are losing this ability. 


Datto M365 Backups

James Marris 3 weeks ago updated 3 weeks ago 0

Currently there is no way to report on Datto M365 Backups, including company name, users being backed up, users not being backed up, last success etc. This lives in the same ecosystem as BCDR devices which your Datto rest API pulls from. Its a huge importance for clients to know if their backups are working.


Gauge level security & User restriction

Joe Davidson 4 weeks ago 0

Currently, the only way to restrict specific gauges is by restricting datasets at the user level and I need the ability to secure gauges and limit to specific users without restricting the data set as the data set in question is used by other members of my team.

The request is 


Ability to exclude certain filters on gauges and not all of them at once

Chloe Henderson 2 months ago 0

When you add multiple filters to a board, it would be great if you could exclude certain filters from gauges instead of excluding them all 


CW RMM Drive Detail (Hard Drive Name, Disk Type, Disk Model, Disk Serial Number, etc.)

Michael Rodriguez 4 months ago in Command 0

Image 4054

CW RMM does not currently return any details around machine drives outside of utilization numbers. Would be looking for inventory details on the RMM Physical Drive data.


BrightGauge Tab Naming Improvement

Andy Skrzypczak 4 months ago updated by Larry Kahm 4 months ago 1

If you have a number gauge that has several tabs that are hidden and used to create calculations, the names of the tabs are just displayed as generic names, like "query1_amount_sum" or "calc_metric_1". It's frustrating trying to remember what the tabs are actually for, so you have to "unhide" them to seeing what they actually do.

Image 4048

Can you work on the ability to name the layers as they are displayed along the left side panel (see #2)?


Product Catalog should count all products

Kim Martinez 4 months ago 0

I was just informed that when using the Products dataset "Only products updated in the last 24 months will be represented." and "we focus on products that are actively being used. This means that we only include products that are associated with a ticket, agreement, or sales order"

This makes no sense to me. I'm looking to create a snapshot gauge so I can see at a glance how many products I have, and see the same data by category and subcategory, so we can keep the product catalog clean. Since this dataset does not include all the products in the product catalog (not even all the active ones) it would be incomplete.