
Moving around Gauges on a Dashboard is very Painful

Michael See 11 months ago updated 8 months ago 5

Moving Gauges in BG is painful when you have alot of gauges on a dashboard.  Every time you move one gauge it has to resize and you can't even move to the top of the dashboard easily.

Hi Michael,

Thanks for reaching out and giving the valuable feedback.

We are working on an enhancement (Save button for Dashboard) which would reduce this pain point of moving, resizing the gauges in the dashboard. The tentative timeline to release is April month end. We will keep this thread updated with any changes. 

Thanks & Regards,



We have released a 'Save Button' to Parent dashboards as they were the most facing challenges in terms of adding multiple gauges, etc. With the latest release, all changes to parent dashboard will take place only post saving the changes making changes to gauges, resizes, etc. easy. 

Thank you!



Please give me instructions on this works, I don’t understand how to use this.





Michael See
Project Manager
7980 Macon Highway
Watkinsville, GA 30677
Phone: 706-354-5785
24x7 Help • 706-354-5716 help@athensmicro.com

Image 3836

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Image 3837

Image 3838

Image 3839





Hi Michael,

Please visit: https://support.brightgauge.com/hc/en-us/articles/8867419024027-Parent-Child-Dashboard

Also, when you start moving the gauges from the parent dashboard, it will not save immediately unless you click on Save button which comes in the top right corner of the screen.  Please let me know if this is helpful. We will be happy to discuss this over a call as well.


Thanks for the link but can someone just explain it to me?  I didn’t see anything about being able to move around the gauges inside this dashboard which is my problem.  See how many gauges I have in screenshot, I wanted to hit edit on main page and just move around gauges, can that be done or no?


Image 3848



Michael See
Project Manager
7980 Macon Highway
Watkinsville, GA 30677
Phone: 706-354-5785
24x7 Help • 706-354-5716 help@athensmicro.com

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